Monday, May 31, 2010

Recycled stuff

Dance/period Costumes

My ballgown for New Year's Eve, 2009/10

Family at a dance. I made both vests.

From a Butterick pattern (1888 dress) for the Impressionist Picnic, 2008

Empire waist dress for the Jane Austin Picnic 2007 (Cotton. very simple. very comfy)

Patchwork dress

This dress I created by hand, stitching layers of patches onto a dress form to get the fit in the bodice. Summer 2007.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Euridice- Lewis & Clark College, 2009

A senior directing project which I designed and partially constructed.

"The Stones" represent three sides of Euridice- Childishnes, intellect, and sexuality

Euridice in her wedding dress
Euridice and her father

The Nasty Interesting man

Orpheus & Euridice

The Ballade of Baby Doe- Berkeley opera

I was not technically the costumer for this show, but was in charge of co-ordinating people bringing in what they had, and finding stuff for people who needed it. Entire costume budget was roughly $200 for a cast of 20 (plus chorus)... so we had to be creative!

Vests made by me. tuxes borrowed from various people

We had a wedding dress which didn't fit, but I was able to salvage the skirt, and design a new top.

barmaid and drunk

Horace & cronies
Augusta and her friends (her stuff was all hew own. The friends are mostly wearing my old curtains...)

Monday, January 4, 2010